

Can we create space?

Or do we just re-discover it? Empty the bubbles?

When we make space within our bodies, the space was already there. It was just filled with an idea, a concept, a stagnant energy or belief system. The space becomes filled with what we believe to be true, to be ‘real’. A ‘bad shoulder’, ‘chronic migraines’. We have filled the bubbles with ideas that we carry as staples. ‘‘That’s just the way it is’’. Forgetting that behind these ideas we hold, is still empty space. Endless possibilities.

As soon as we choose a viewpoint on something, we’ve shut out what could be. As soon as we define something, as a tree for example, we shut down all other possibilities and probabilities of what that space could become. Our senses box it in as being solid, but science has proven that nothing is really solid. Everything is 99.99% empty space, until we rule out all other possibilities with our definitions of what we believe it to be.

When we knock the walls down, and empty the spaces, anything is possible. We create room to invite in new energy. The walls may go up again, the new idea turns into an idle idea, we replace it with a new ‘truth’. But what would happen if we kept these walls down? We can create a inward and outward flow of energy, an ever evolving space, creating room for whatever is needed in that moment.

Sometimes I try so hard to find the answers, to search for ‘the truth’. But when I remember to tune in, empty out, I allow room for new awareness to flow in. When I create room to receive, everything that I need flows in naturally. I allow everything I no longer need, to flow out.

If I try to force writing a post, I can get blocked. The walls are up, nothing new can enter. But when I go within, breathe, don’t try to do anything, just be, then new information and concepts flow. I act as a vessel that Source is using to communicate through.

A riverbank cannot create the water, but if the hollow bank is there, the water will flood through it naturally.

Check in daily. What walls do I have up? What static beliefs am I holding? How long have they been there? When was the last time I changed my mind about something? Saw it with a new pair of eyes? What happens when I allow myself to be an empty vessel for creativity to flow through? What can unfold when I truly allow anything to be possible?

5 ways to allow a free flow of energy in and out of your spaces

  1. Move your body, dance, flow. Breathe into every cell of your body and feel the subtle movement as you inhale and exhale. Try to detach from your thoughts and focus of the sensations of your body within space. Visualise weightlessness. Instead of compressing into positions, breathe in, discover the space, and see how much deeper you can go.

  2. Take a walk in nature. Try to be mindful of each step, go barefoot if you like. Tune into everything you are aware of, the sounds, the feelings, the breath. Let the sentient beings around you know that you are open to receive any wisdom they may like to share you. Forget you asked, go within, and see if anything comes up. Trust the process.

  3. Give yourself time to create. Take a pencil, some paints, a musical instrument, anything, and with no plan, just see the paintbrush, the music, the writing leads you. Try to be completely open to the flow. What words have come? Images? Colours?

  4. Refresh your emotions. When something triggers you, experience the emotion. After some time, breathe, refresh. Am I still angry? Or am I clinging on to it? Revelling in the past? If I break down the walls and empty the space again, what emotion now flows in? How do I feel now?

  5. Find stillness and breathe. Meditation practice and breathwork are pretty much the essence of all of this. Breathe, feel the space in your body, the space in your mind, empty it all out, see what flows in, and empty it out again.

georgie arabella